Storage Tips

New to boat or RV ownership? Our storage tips will help you store safely and get the most out of your 24/7 access vehicle storage.


Check the pressure of all tires and check for dry rot. Cover any tires that will be exposed to the elements.


Remove any batteries. Store the batteries in an area that is not subjected to the elements. Periodically test and charge the batteries if needed.

Perishable Items

Make sure to remove all perishable items from any cabinets, refrigerators, or other parts of the vehicle.


Turn off refrigerators. Verify that all power sources are off.


Turn off supply valves and appliances. Keep any vents open. If stored for an extended period, make sure to inspect your propane system before use!

RV Vents

Open rooftop vents to circulate air. This helps prevent mold and mildew.


Place covers over your vehicle—especially over furniture—for an added layer of protection against dust and grime.

Storage Tips and Tricks

At Parkway Boat and RV Storage, we are always looking for ways to serve our San Antonino communities.

As part of that drive, we offer these expert self storage tips in an effort to improve your self storage experience.

Improper packing of a storage unit can cause you to use too much space, have difficulty retrieving items in the future, and even suffer from damage to your property.

Use this advice to keep your belongings safe and properly stored in your storage unit!

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